the science behind Telovite Multivitamin
Exclusive to The Eternity Medicine Program

“If I Took Nothing Else I'd Take This Multivitamin”
- Professor Keith Scott-Mumby
We recommend taking these on a daily basis, which is remarkable in itself—generally I have a problem swallowing multi-vitamins because the smell of B Vitamins makes me retch! No such effect with Telovite. They have no really obnoxious smell and slide down rather easily.
But what impressed me most about the formula is the AMOUNT of ingredients in it. The number of different and valuable nutrients and the actual quantities of each: 2-way generous. I'm going to make sure I always have a stock on hand.
Food, as I explained, just doesn't have adequate nutrition anymore! This is especially acute in the USA. Whenever I come home to Vegas from abroad I notice my hair and nails are different: stronger, healthier, after just a matter of weeks. Then it soon degenerates.

The trouble is the USA is an intensely-farmed region where the only consideration for farmers is making money. It's rape! The millennia-old sacred duty of farmers has always been to leave the earth (the land) in better condition than it came to them.
Now they are just grabbing short-term, maximum profits, screw the customer, who cares, screw the youngsters of tomorrow! It's as if they really believe that the land is theirs! What a joke. Anyway, back to the point, modern farming methods worldwide are cripplingly deficient in nutrients.
Add to that: travel, sales, and preservation techniques are criminally wicked: using irradiation, to stop fruits rotting, so they look "fresh" even if 6 months old; forcing bananas to "ripen" with ethylene gas, even when not ready to eat; coating apples and other fruits in wax to look fresh and shiny, when in fact they may be very old and tired...
Add to that: modern commerce methods are such that it is cheaper for Albertsons and Walmart to buy mass-produced food from China and spend 6 weeks shipping it to the USA than it is to use local-grown.
Even your "farmer's market" foods are often a fraud, brought in from Mexico and elsewhere, "fertilized" with human feces. Of course, there ARE good local traders; just make sure you know your supplier or, better still, go visit the farm or orchards and see for yourself! The truth is, you can take an orange today and it has ZERO (0.00) vitamin C in it. So wise up folks. You gotta take supplements!
Yes, some smart Alecs scoff at what they call "expensive pee". Trust me, supplements are 10,000 times cheaper than letting your health break down and then having to pay to get it fixed. Their cheap, unhealthy pee will cost them $100,000s in the end!

One Dollar a Day!
But Telovite is not even expensive. Just over $1 a day, it's brilliant. You get a well-balanced formula, with lots of ingredients. What's more, the doses of each ingredient are remarkably generous; I mean 50 mg of vitamins like B1, B2, and B6. That's 10 to 50 times what some formulas contain.
With Telovite, you can SUPPORT HEALTHY IMMUNE FUNCTION by lengthening your Telomeres. Conventional cosmetic products and multivitamins can’t offer efficient protection, as they fail to integrate key ingredients that support your cell’s timekeepers, telomeres. Telovite is a revolutionary supplement which will help support & lengthen telomeres, acting as a powerful shield against aging and cellular function degeneration – the leading causes of all health-related issues*.

Women and men over 50 witness the effects of aging, as well as the modern-day lifestyle, taking their toll on their health and appearance. Telovite is designed to act both as a preventative and corrective measure towards a stronger, younger you*. Through promoting telomerase activity and lengthening telomeres, Telovite affords targeted protection and telomere support, aiding in boosting your body’s reparative processes and helping in safeguarding DNA integrity*.
Exclusively formulated with 40 ingredients which have demonstrated strong telomere protective action and telomerase support in clinical studies, Telovite promotes healthy telomere length maintenance*. Containing a wealth of vitamins – A, E, D, B12 – minerals, such as calcium and magnesium, folate, niacin, antioxidants like resveratrol and green tea extract, Telovite, is the first proven, documented mega-multivitamin to promote immunity AND lengthening telomeres!
Telovite combines prime ingredients in their purest form and at optimal concentrations for maximum absorbency and bioavailability. Telovite is manufactured under GMP practices, while each raw ingredient is tested for potency, purity, and strength, ensuring it’s FREE of heavy metals and harmful microorganism contamination.
Telovite batches are third-party tested, ensuring you are receiving the best telomere supplement available.